This Dream has You Pinned

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Daring to move towards a unrelenting dream is scary. A really good idea doesn't equate success. It's just a thought that needs to be wrestled with long enough to conclude which would bring more peace: to lay it down and pursue another, or realize that--- this dream has you pinned. 

It's kind of where I found myself as silly as it sounds. I've only just launched our brand Liv Thai 2 weeks ago. I've only placed about 5 months of time into making this happen. I've only landed on square 2 of Candy Land (if this is even Candy Land at all) and I'm not promised anything more than the lessons of failure (which are good lessons by the way, even if they are not the ones we aim for). 

Regardless, I did feel pinned. The concept seemed to be all the loves and talents God intentionally rolled up into me. I felt pinned by timing, being that I had just released a dream that, try as I may, could not be mine. And finally, this aligns and makes so much sense as I stand looking back to the past. God moved me geographically, placed the friends necessary to shape, sharpen, train, and prepare me (aka boot camp), and had me marry, 10 years ago, the perfect partner in crime.  

Turning to look to the future and even face the present is where the fear rises. Clearly boot camp was required for the long road of perseverance ahead. I'm scared cause I don't feel strong enough for what I see. But I have wise counsel that says to deal with today, heck, deal with this second. Work at what's in front of me and to not get caught up in the future. (Okay then, so how about tackling this blog post).

No guarantees for the 'if' or 'where' this will go, but all I know is that I stepped out into the unknown and a wise man told me that these steps of faith, for some reason, Jesus loves to see. Not to say this means blessed success, but that I choose trust. Trust his plans for me regardless the outcome. Sounds like the first task to keep in front of me. 

Oh, and the wise man is my dad. Great man, you should meet him. And he is not 'old' so I must leave that adjective out. 

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